[ version 1 . 5 running on love fuel ♡ ] you're always welcome ♡


welcome to

my name is asphie ,im 12 years old, and i'm currently learning html! having a cute little website has always been something i've wanted to do, and neocities has only fueled that dream further! so that's why this site exists, as my personal little corner of the internet and tribute to my dream!

neocities has really encouraged me to learn html! i already have a basic idea(and I mean very, VERY basic like beginner level) of html because of everskies, but I want to progress further (even if coding on a tablet might be difficult) i go by she/her, im a girl, and I have an intense interest for a lot of anime, music, games and more! this site is subject to change

26/03/24 - aaa I forgot to mention but I added a chatbox!! and I got my first 2 comments, one of them made by one of the webmasters who were the reason I created this site! so happy! (cbox created 25/03/24)
changed the format of the website n learned how to do custom scrollbars! time for custom fonts :3
someone please help me... idk how to do custom fonts n custom scrollbars waahhhh
just started the site! still need to finish the homepage... and make an about me n blog!
to do list
learn how to use custom fonts
make an about me
make a blog (and quickly cause I can't wait to write down what happened recently!!)
put a cute radio on the website
make shrines
finish the homepage lol
add a visitor counter!!
learn custom scrollbars
add a cute little chatbox
click this link!
click to help gaza
my button!
if you like my site, linking is very much appreciated!! please tell me if you link my site so i can link yours! thank you <3