

korillakuma.gif hi, im the webprincess of this site, asphie! im currently learning html so the site is looking pretty rough... please check back in when it's done!


a second line of text

some text residing beneath the heading

why am I coding?


text residing beneath the heading

a fifth line of text

can't be bothered anymore

a sixth line of text. headers only go from h1 to h6.


txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt tx txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt txt

Note that the h1 tag is only used once, as the main heading of the page. h2 to h6, however, can be used as often as desired, but they should always be used in order, as they were intended. For example, an h4 should be a sub-heading of an h3, which should be a sub-heading of an h2.

this is a lineof code
this is a line of code
Row 1, cell 1 Row 1, cell 2 Row 1, cell 3
Row 2, cell 1 Row 2, cell 2 Row 2, cell 3
Row 3, cell 1 Row 3, cell 2 Row 3, cell 3
Row 4, cell 1 Row 4, cell 2 Row 4, cell 3




Are you:



An hermaphrodite


To learn list
all tagnames
inserting images into code
a lot more that I forgot